

Liposuction is a procedure that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck.

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Arm Lift

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove loose skin and excess fat deposits in the upper arm. The aging process or significant changes in body weight can leave a person with sagging upper arms and excess skin. If you want to tighten the skin of this area, ask your surgeon about brachioplasty.

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Body Contouring After Major Weight Loss

Surgical procedures have been designed to resolve problems of excess skin that occur after weight loss. If you have lost a massive amount of weight and find that you have problems with excess skin and sagging tissue in one or many body areas, ask your plastic surgeon about body contouring after major weight loss.

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Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a tummy tuck, is a major surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.

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Breast Reduction for Men

For men who feel self-conscious about excess breast tissue, breast-reduction surgery can help. The procedure removes fat and or glandular tissue from the chest area, and in extreme cases removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured.

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Body Lift

A complete lower body lift treats sagging buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips and outer thighs in one procedure or in staged procedures. Incision patterns vary, and may include a circumferential incision around the body to remove the "belt" of excess skin and fat.

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Thigh Lift

Improving contours of the inner or outer thigh can be achieved with a thigh lift. This may require an incision extending from the groin around the hip. Through these incisions your plastic surgeon will tighten tissues for a smoother, better toned thigh.

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